01 April 2008

Why “accidental”? (you might want to know).

The garden surrounding my home is what I consider to be largely “accidental” because many of the plants simply sprouted up without having planted seeds or bulbs. Here is a photo of an “accidental” resident in our garden, an oak tree that sprouted a few years ago.

As you can see, it has been transplanted into a five gallon container. Actually, this is it's second home since leaving its “birthplace”. When first transplanted, I placed it into a half-gallon container, which it soon outgrew.The oak is now about 38 inches (96 cm) tall and 53 inches (134.5 cm) wide. The trunk is about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter at the base. The tree rests on a roll-around base that allows it to be moved from place to place on the patio. The tree will never get larger because it will next be transplanted into a bonsai "training" container and will eventually be placed into a "showcase" bonsai pot. It is a bit large for a table-top bonsai, but will be a nice addition to our patio bonsai display.

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