Free, at Last

Roots 2" has been fully liberated from the earth, and moved to a temporary resting place for cleaning, bark removal, and drying.

Removing the bark will allow quicker drying, and will also prevent tiny bugs (bark beetles ?)  from attacking the stump and carving small holes in the trunk.

The drying process is the easy part - simply set it out in the weather and let nature take its course.

Judging from the experience gained with Roots 1, Roots 2 will be ready for finishing in about a year, or so.  That's when the labor-intensive tasks of scraping, sanding, varnishing, and waxing will begin.

No need to look for Roots 1 . . .

. . .here is a photo of Roots 1 atop the mantel in the living room.

As a reference of scale, Roots 1 is about one fifth the size of Roots 2.

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